Daily Archives: October 15, 2012

I’m Messed In the Head

I spoke too soon when I said I was disappointed with day 1 of P90X. First I loss all strength in my arms and then I turned into a complete slug.

This afternoon I knew I had the plyometrics workout to soldier through so I fueled up with my garbage scramble for a late lunch.

Into the mix went:

  • Amy’s All-American Veggie Burger
  • 1 egg & 1 egg white
  • Broccoli
  • Shredded Cheese

Eating that Garbage

This is one of my favorite meals that I’ve created. It looks like barf but the flavors pop in your mouth. Fireworks in October. It reminds me of when I was living in Los Angeles and Brian and I attended a dinner party at his friend’s house.

The girls cooked one of the best meals I’ve ever had, and while most of the foods were from a farm, they surprised us by saying that the other ingredients were garbage picked. Yes I’m speaking in English. They’re dumpster divers. I should have known they were from the moment I walked into their apartment. I still went up for seconds. You won’t catch me diving into dumpsters, but don’t knock it!

I left work an hour early today, as I had signed up for spinning last week, but after yesterdays beast of a workout, I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle position 3 for an hour.

Day 2 of P90X consisted of Pylometrics and Ab Ripper X. I was supposed to do Ab Ripper X yesterday but I was so caught up in things that I didn’t have time to. I have to say, while I HATED Back & Chest, I LOVED pylometrics. Who loves pylo? No one. I must have been hit in the head a few times as a child.

Even though it’s called the hardest workout in the series, I genuinely thought it flew by and Tony Horton made me giggle so much that I almost shit my pants from all of his Tonyisms. “Halfway done, party’s almost over, what a bummer.” “Hamburger bad, fries bad, coca-cola bad, there I said it.”

After Pylo and Ab Ripper X, I whipped up a chocolate peanut butter protein shake with my new PB2 that came in the mail today!

I completely forgot I bought this last week so it was a nice surprise to come home to it. Back in Cali, Brian, my roommate introduced me to this stuff and I quickly became an addict. I’ve been debating on buying it for several weeks now, but the expensive prices steered me away for a bit.

Peanut butter is healthy in moderation, but the way I go through a tub isn’t so healthy, so it only made sense for me to spend the extra money for a healthier version. PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter is “made with premium quality peanuts that are slow-roasted to our specifications and pressed to remove the fat. All natural with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Same consistency as full-fat peanut butter with all of the roasted peanut flavor, but with more than 85% less fat calories.”

Nutrition Facts:

Serving Size: 2 Tablespoons

  • Total Cals: 45 calories
  • Cals from Fat: 13 g
  • Total Carbs: 5 g
  • Sugar: 1 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2 g
  • Protein: 5 g


While enjoying my recovery shake, I tortured myself in an ice bath to get the lactic acid out of my legs. So cold!

End of the Ice Bath

Now it’s off to paint my nails and catch up on my DVR. 666 Park Avenue and CSI:NY is on the line-up. Hope everyone had a great Monday!

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I Can’t Move My Arms

Upon receiving the news of my brother’s engagement yesterday, I had to keep busy from letting the news slip out. I ended up telling 3 people before I was given the go-ahead. I figured I was safe telling a Floridian, a friend in Afghanistan and Lindsay, who I have blackmail pictures of anyways. Didn’t get busted, phew!

Guess what I did? Yup, day 1 of P90X. I actually wasn’t too impressed with the first workout, granted I was under the impression that I’d be doing a lot of cardip. Had I used my brain, I would’ve known that “Chest &Back” simply meant chest and back. Doh. Let’s just blame it on me being tired.

Holy push-ups, Batman! I’m not even sure how many different variations of push-ups I was forced to do, but it wasn’t cool. The elevated push-up was my least favorite. At one point I was stuck and another point I collapsed. Good thing I had my boobs to break my fall. I finished my workout feeling like I didn’t complete much, but this morning when I tried to push myself out of my work chair, oh the burn was felt, and consequently I was stuck in my chair. These arms aren’t having it today.

Have you guys tried the Clif Shot Bloks?


I picked up a package of the Strawberry bloks yesterday thinking they’d come in handy, and I am madly, deeply, passionately in love with them! They taste like straight up candy.

I popped a blok this morning before my run and was excited to see my 4-miler show up again. I’ve been stuck at 3.3-3.5 mile AM runs the past few weeks so it was a nice surprise. I think my short 1 mile run on Saturday benefitted my legs with a little rest, which was great since I haven’t been too excited to run lately. Not sure if the bloks had anything to do with my performance or if it was solely a placebo effect, but I’ll take it!

Morning Workout

• 4 mile run
• 2 sets of 15 stair push-ups. Ouch
• :30 second plank holds, regular and both sides
• 40 mountain climbers
• 100’s Abs
• 50 crunches & 50 side-to-side crunches
• Stretching


Once again, I enjoyed my Raspberry Mango Overnight Oats. I didn’t want to bore you guys with the same picture every day, so I was trying to think of a new way to show you my breakfast. My idea came to me after I missed my mouth.


So there you go. Breakfast on the chest. Enjoy!

This morning has flown by, thanks to my daily emails with Lindsay and Mike. Mike was telling me about a first date he had last night with a man who was 6’1. Oh hellllo! Who doesn’t love a tall man? Mike asked if I had any potentials, and I was expecting him to freak on me for not telling him sooner, but remember how I said I always jinx myself, I was trying to hold out on him for as long as possible. I’m such a good best friend!

My story was a little too long for a text, yes we were texting and emailing at the same time, so I emailed him mine. I was biting my nails out of nerves for his response. Mike and I are very blunt and honest with each other. We don’t tell each other what we want to hear, we tell each other the truth, which is just one of the reasons why he’s been my best friend since high school. His response made my heart melt.

Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 10:40 AM
To: Lewis, Alison K.
Subject: RE: Hey Bestie 🙂

1. He is very handsome.
2. I love the story as to how you began talking to him. And good for you, as long as you’re happy. Although, you would have to eventually go visit him or he would have to come up here, FYI. But I’m sure you knew that. And who cares about the age, Luke is 22! I like the young ones and you like the old ones. We like who we like, all that matters at the end of the day is if someone cares and makes us happy, ya know? SO if that’s how you feel, im totally ok with it!
3. The gifts were so cute and that was thoughtful.
4. BURN p90x for me!!!! Or flashdrive it!! I wanna start doing that too!
5. I wanna come to Harrisburg WAHHHHHHH!!!!!
6. Love you.

It’s a good Monday, eh?!

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Happiness is in the Air

I don’t even know WHO to begin with on this post, but I suppose I should pick up from where I left off on the last one.

I might have let it slip that I have a crush, and I’ll do my best not to “embarrass” him in this post as he mentioned last night. He knows something will be written but he doesn’t know what. Crush, are you getting nervous and excited for what I’m going to say?

I’ve known my crush for a little over a week but it seems like I’ve known him for years. I made a “harmless” comment on a picture of him that was posted on my favorite blog, he tracked me down, and the rest is history. I could go in-depth on how it went down, but we plan on turning our story into a movie one day, so you’ll have to sit tight and wait it out. Plus, I’ve been known to jinx myself when I mention liking someone, so I’ll try to stop the blabbing since I would really like this movie to have a happy ending. He lives in Florida so I really wouldn’t mind  soaking up some sun with him on the beach. It gets cold up North… Brrrrrr!

Last Sunday I posted on Facebook that I was looking for a copy of P90X or Insanity to try. Guess who got me a copy? Yup, the lucky sucker did!

Not only did he give me a copy of P90X, but he bought a package in my favorite color, and bought a purple (another favorite) zip drive to put P90X on. It’s the little things that get me. Also in my package, I received several pairs of handmade earrings (yes, he made them with his beautiful daughter), and 2 little notes.

Crush, you impressed me. I’ve never even met you but you’re already treating me better than I’ve been treated in the past.

Ladies, good guys do still exist, I thought they all disappeared but I’ve been proven wrong.

PS., your thank you is coming in the mail. A girl knows how to mail things better than a man so expect it in a few days. 😉

On to even BIGGER news!

I’m getting a sister, and I’m going to be a bridesmaid!

My brother Ryan and his girlfriend of 7 years (in December) are FINALLY engaged. They got engaged yesterday but I found out today. The entire family has been giving him such a hard time for the past 4-5 years about not being engaged yet, and of course he tried calling me 5 times yesterday to break the news. Guess who had a dead phone? The ONE day my phone dies with no access to a charger is the day he decides to pop the question. Seriously Ry?!

This morning while on my run, he FaceTimed me, which I ignored since I figured he was just calling to discuss our Halloween outfits. A minute later he called me, which I answered and while running told him I’d call him back. 3 hours later while cleaning the bathroom he FaceTimed me again. Damn this boy is taking Halloween seriously!

Oh nope, while I was blabbing on about having a dead phone and being in NYC, they were so impatient that Chels threw her hand up and flashed her new bling.

The Proposal

Ryan had wanted to ask Chelsey’s father for her hand in marriage. The only issue was that her parents were on vacation so he had to ask over the phone. Her parents have been keeping it a secret for 2 weeks, but didn’t know when he’d ask the big question.

Ryan brought her back to her home in CT this weekend and schemed a plan that they had to be there for her father’s surprise party. Yesterday, they went on a hike and then he took her to their favorite spot in her hometown for a picnic.

The Spot!

At 4:44, Ryan looked at Chelsey and said, “Chels, it’s 4:44. Close your eyes and make a wish.” When she opened them, he was on his knee. I think she’s been making that wish for years now. Glad it finally came true!

He Put a Ring On It!

She said yes!

Engaged Kisses

I can’t even contain my excitement for the happy couple. I’ve been doing cartwheels and somersaults around the house to try and contain myself and keep myself busy while waiting for the “green light” to make the announcement.

So much happiness in the air, I hope I can sleep tonight!

Single and Swiping

In the online dating world, Tinder is considered especially heinous. In Boston, the hopeful females who swipe through these profiles are members of an elite squad known as "Single and Swiping". These are their stories.


A bit about Fun, Life, and a dude name Kip.....

Muffin Topless

A life dedicated to health, fitness & happiness